
Chess Club


“Chess is the gymnasium of the mind”.
― Blaise Pascal.

LGS Chess Club is one of the most popular clubs with all ages competing against each other and often a 45 minute lunch is not long enough to win that all important game. Photographs are quickly taken so the game can be reset to play again the following lunchtime.

“Chess is the gymnasium of the mind”.
― Blaise Pascal.

LGS Chess Club is one of the most popular clubs with all ages competing against each other and often a 45 minute lunch is not long enough to win that all important game. Photographs are quickly taken so the game can be reset to play again the following lunchtime.

The annual Christmas Chess Tournament saw over fifty entries with each year group playing against each other and the winner of each year group played against the other year groups, and some even competed against the teachers.
Chess Club representatives helped on the open evening demonstrating their skills to the primary school children and indeed finding some strong opponents for the future.

Chess has been linked with improving concentration, problem-solving, critical, original, and creative thinking – and even mathematical abilities so its not only fun but you can excel in your subjects.
