Parents’ Association

What is the Parents’ Association?

The LGS Parents’ Association exists to give both financial and volunteer support to a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the school year to help expand the opportunities and experiences for the school’s pupils. This support is extremely important in these times of tightening school budgets as the financial assistance helps to fill the gap where no support from the Education Authority exists, for example for the school library.

The PA organises a number of fund raising events throughout the school year.

The association is comprised of parents and teachers who help organise and run the events.

How we work?

To reassure you!  We only hold meetings when we need to for short chats on what’s happening in the school.  Meeting invites, updates and events are coordinated on our WhatsApp Community.  Our WhatsApp Community is set up with different subgroups, so you only hear important messages, or updates related to what you are involved in.

All meetings are optional, but there are biscuits….

Everyone contributes what the can, when they can.

We have some members who help simply with sharing social media posts, others who can volunteer their time and everything in between.

Our Impact

Every year we have been able to donate more than £5000 to fund everything from Prize Day rewards, to cricket equipment, books for the library, Mathematics, music supplies and even new computers.

How to join

It’s simple to join using any of these options:

  1. Email
  2. Contact any of the members of the PA
  3. Click the QR code below: